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About Me 2



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You are not


About Me

From Architecture to Coaching - from Germany to Sri Lanka

I always liked to explore new things and new countries.

Sometimes it was easy and fun, sometimes difficult and challenging.

But it always did widen my awareness and taught me important lessons.

No regrets.

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About Me —Pngtree—mint green geometric b

From Germany to Sri Lanka

Before starting my new life in Sri Lanka, I was an architect, dancer, dance teacher, choreographer and event show designer in Düsseldorf, Germany.

After mastering a special challenge in my life, I took a three months time-out and traveled through Asia, with the last stop being Sri Lanka.

Destiny told me to stay and since 2007 I'm deeply rooted in this beautiful country and in the warm embrace of my Sri Lankan family.

Life is a dancer and you are the dance.

- Eckhart Tolle

लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनोभवंतु

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Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

My Mission

I guess that since I watched “The Little Lord Fauntleroy” – the “Harry Potter of his time – when I was 12 years old, my desire was to make the world a little bit better.

I believe in the idea, that we are all the creators of our own life, that happiness is a choice and that our souls are here, in this body and in this life, following their journey towards fulfillment.

Offering help to help yourself is my passion in coaching, yoga, tapping and meditation, underlined by the understanding of energy in your nutrition.

My favorite mantra in the version of Jivamukti Yoga,  New York

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Ocean by Canva
About Me —Pngtree—mint green geometric b

My Vision

Being a sustainability advocate, passionately helping Mother Earth by implementing the “refuse, re-use, recycle” technique wherever I can.

Having faith in the positive evolution of mankind through love and higher awareness.

Being “the drop in the ocean” with my work and trying to spread the light as far as possible.

Organizing wonderful dance events –  to enjoy the moment with music and movement.

Every drop in the ocean counts.

- Yoko Ono

My Education

  • Business Administration – Intermediate Diploma, University of Muenster, Germany

  • Graduate Architecture, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Germany (Dipl.-Ing. FH)

  • 4 Years Working Experience in Architecture

  • 15 Years Experience in Teaching Dance (Streeet Jazz & Hip Hop - in the “tanzhaus nrw” Duesseldorf and other schools, Germany), Choreography and Stage Performance in many places in Europe

  • 4 Years Working Experience in Show Design for  Events in Europe

This life is a process of learning.

- Lauryn Hill

  • Hot Yoga Certificate with Absolute Yoga, Thailand, 200 hr

  • Trainings in: Ayurveda Massage, Quantum Touch, Theta Floating

  • Aerial Yoga Certificate with Dana Aerial Yoga Institute, Germany

  • Meditation Teacher Certificate with Chris Germer & Kristin Neff, Center of Mindful Self-Compassion, USA

  • EFT / Matrix-Reimprinting Practitioner Training with Karl Dawson, UK

  • Holistic Coaching Training with Angelika Gulder (graduate psychologist)

To be continued in the future ;-)

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About Me —Pngtree—mint green geometric b

My biggest Project

(So far... ;-)

Creating Niyagama House was a truly amazing experience. Two years of daily work until the first “guinnea pig”, a friend of mine stayed with us as our guest.

A powerful example for the power of thought – from the first little drawing to the first guests.

A wonderful experience of being connected with all – with my partner and co-creator Chaminda, all the helping hands, the Buddhist gentle smiles, the special energy of Niyagama House – and the help of our guardian angels.

Everything is created twice,

first in the mind and then in reality.

- Robin Sharma

Aerial Kapotasana

What more do I love?

  • Planting trees and find new ways to help street dogs in our neighbor-hood.

  • Keep on learning, exploring and traveling the world.

  • Testing new, yummy recipes for our restaurant.

  • The Indian Ocean and the tropical, wild nature in Sri Lanka.

  • Singing mantras while walking through our tea plantation.

  • Dancing until the the sun rises.

  • Growing my tribe of like-minded soul-sisters & brothers by walking my talk.

  • And…. using the yoga room just for myself :-))).

Love what you do: Do what you love.

- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Inner Wisdom Letter

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Insights - Stories - Inspirations

Elke in Zahlen

12 Jahre
Tanz Dozentin

  • Street Jazz & Hip Hop

  • Event Choreographie

  • Bühnen Performance

  • Show Design

  • Backstage Management

12 Jahre
Yoga Dozentin

  • Hatha Yoga

  • Yin Yoga

  • Aerial Yoga

  • Vinyasa Flow

  • MSC Meditation

10 Jahre
Yoga Retreat Besitzerin

  • "Niyagama House"

  • im Süden Sri Lankas

  • 11 Zimmer

  • 2 Yogaräume

  • inkl. Ayurveda Wellness


Wer ist Elke de Silva?

Mindset Yoga Enthusiastin & Evolutions Aktivistin ;-)

Hallo aus unserem Yoga Retreat Niyagama House in Sri Lanka!

Ich bin ganzheitlicher Mindset Coach sowie Hatha, Yin und Aerial Yoga Lehrerin, professionelle Tänzerin und Architektin.

Meine Leidenschaft ist es, ambitionierte Menschen motivierend zu bewegen und sie effektiv und nachhaltig bei ihrer persönlichen Transformation in Richtung Erfüllung, Potenzialentfaltung und Selbstbewustsein zu begleiten.

In meiner Mindset Yoga Methode findest Du all das Wissen, was mir selbst auf meinem Weg in Richtung Erfolg und Lebensglück geholfen. hat und ich liebe es, diese Erfahrung einfühlsam, intuitiv und individuell weiterzugeben.

Weiterhin schlägt mein Herz für das Lindern der Leiden Sri Lankischer Strassenhunde, mein baldiges Grundschulprojekt zur Plastik-Reduzierung, das abenteuerliche Reisen durch die ganze Welt und mein neues „Baby“ E-MOTION-DANCE, für mehr Spass und Bewegung im Leben.

Namaste von der Teeplantage

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"Glaube an dich und deine Möglichkeiten. Lebe deinen Traum und lasse dein Licht strahlen. Zum besten Wohle aller."

~ Elke de Silva

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1:1 Coaching

Liebe Elke,

das Coaching mit dir war aufschlussreich, klärend und inspirierend. Mit deiner positiven und liebevollen Art und deinen - manchmal provozierenden - Fragen, hast du eine Raum geschaffen, in dem ich mich gesehen fühlte. Die Ergebnisse kamen wie von selbst zu mir. Und am Ende habe ich einen Weg aus meiner Kraftlosigkeit gefunden. Jetzt weiss ich wie ich voller Glück weitergehen kann. Vielen Dank! 

Daniela, Deutschland, Juni 2020

Yoga im Niyagama House

Meine Frau und ich waren für ein dreitägiges Yoga- und Meditations Retreat im Niyagama House. Alles dort überstieg unsere Erwartungen, so dass wir unseren Aufenthalt verlängerten.


Elke ist eine wunderbare Yoga Lehrerin! Sie ist erfahren, hat jeden Schüler genau im Blick, und gibt jedem das Gefühl von Sicherheit und Vertrauen.

Voller Empathie und immer mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen.

Matthias, Schweden, Februar 2020

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