Terms & Conditions for
Coaching and EFT Tapping
Free Info Call | Terms & Conditions
The free calls are for new clients only.
25 minute free calls are conducted via Zoom, Jitsi or Facebook Messenger by Elke de Silva (further on mentioned as “coach”).
The time and date will be agreed on by the client and coach.
There is no charge for the free call.
The client will be responsible for contacting the coach at the arranged time by calling via Messenger or by providing a Zoom link or Jitsi Link.
The client must provide 24 hours notice if cancelling or rescheduling.
The client is under no obligation to continue after the free call with paid coaching.
The client is aware that this call is introductory in nature and that all questions may not be resolved in 25 minutes.
The aim of the call is to introduce the client to my coaching approach or to the EFT technique. It will be a mini coaching session in order to find out, if the subject is something that we can continue to work on together in the future.
The coach recognises that anything the client shares is regarded confidential, whether it is business or personal information. I respect your privacy and will not share any personal details provided.
The coaching services offered by the coach is not medical advice and must not be used in lieu of any psychiatric or psychological treatment, or counselling or therapy the client may be receiving from a health care professional. Coaching does not replace health care professional's advice. The coaching services offered are not a form of therapy or psychological counselling and are not intended to treat any mental health issues.
Coaching results are not guaranteed and can vary person to person. The client enters into coaching with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.
Paid Coaching or EFT Sessions | Terms & Conditions
The time and date will be agreed on by the client and coach.
The coach will be responsible for contacting the client at the arranged time by calling via Messenger or by providing a Zoom link or Jitsi link.
After the session the coach will send an invoice via email, which is requested to be paid within 2 weeks.
Cancelation by the client: Every cancelation done 24 hours before the session is free of any charges. A cancelation within 24 hours before the session will be charged with the agreed amount of one hour of coaching or EFT.
Cancelation by the coach: In case of an unavoidable cancelation by the coach, there will be no charges for the client.
All working material that the coach is handing over to the client is protected by copyright and is only for the use of the client. The client is not permitted to copy this material in order to pass it on to any third party.
The coach recognises that anything the client shares is regarded confidential, whether it is business or personal information. I respect your privacy and will not share any personal details provided.
A Client Profile Form will need to be completed to assess whether the client is ready for coaching and is willing to do the mindset work necessary.
Additional information is gathered on the Client Profile Form so that the coach can have a general understanding of the client's context and the perceived satisfaction of his/her life.
Additional information provided by the client, such as names and addresses are used for invoices, receipts, or sending Christmas cards. Emails are used for invoices and receipts, or additional inspiring resources and links which can assist with the coaching journey. The client can opt out of the additional resources and links.
The coach recognises that anything the client shares is regarded confidential, whether it is business or personal information. We respect your privacy and will not share any personal details provided.
Purpose and nature of Coaching and EFT: The session starts with the subject the client likes to change. The coach is guiding the client with questions on his / her way to find the right answers. In EFT the coach is guiding the client into rounds of gentle tapping on meridian points (the client is tapping on his / her own body), while uing the words of the client, describing the subject in order for the client to release emotional blockages in the energetic system.
The Coaching and EFT services offered by the coach is not medical advice and must not be used in lieu of any psychiatric or psychological treatment, or counselling or therapy the client may be receiving from a health care professional. Coaching does not replace health care professional's advice. The coaching services offered are not a form of therapy or psychological counselling and are not intended to treat any mental health issues.
Coaching results are not guaranteed and can vary person to person. The client enters into coaching with the full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.
The coach may cease the coaching services at any time.